Last active 1737100574

MSN (IRC8) compatible connection script

Revision 48cd222428ca371b1f29fe1714a19443b6d8f9e3

IRC8.mrc Raw
1; IRC8 connection by JD
3on ^1:LOGON:*:{
4 raw -q IRCVERS IRC8 MSN-OCX!9.02.0310.2401
5 raw -q AUTH GateKeeper I : $+ $gk.header(1)
6 haltdef
9on 1:PARSELINE:in:*:{
10 tokenize 32 $parseline
11 if ($1 == AUTH) {
12 if ($2 == GateKeeper || $2 == GateKeeperPassport) {
13 if ($3 == S) {
14 ; Extended (Passport) Authentication. Send %ticket and %passport to server.
15 if ($2- == GateKeeperPassport S :OK) {
16 raw -qn $1-3 $+($base($len(%ticket), 10, 16, 8), %ticket, $base($len(%profile), 10, 16, 8), %profile)
17 }
18 ; Attempt to find GateKeeper v3 Challenge (8 bytes, escaped)
19 elseif ($regex($gettok($parseline,4-,32), /^:GKSSP\\0(?:[^\\]|\\.){2}\x03\\0\\0\\0\x02\\0\\0\\0((?:[^\\]|\\.){8})$/u) > 0) {
20 ; Escaped text can contain characters the client can't handle (eg. 0x00), so convert to &binvar
21 bset -a &challenge 1 $regsubex($regml(1) $+ $servertarget, /([^\\]|\\.)/gu, $gk.asc(\1) $+ $chr(32))
22 ; GateKeeper authenticaiton is a HMAC-MD5 with fixed key
23 var %result = $hmac(&challenge, SRFMKSJANDRESKKC, md5, 1)
24 .parseline -it
25 .raw -n $1-3 $+(:,$gk.header(3),$regsubex(%result $+ $gk.guid($2), /([0-9a-f]{2})/g, $gk.hex2chr(\1)))
26 }
27 else {
28 echo $color(info2) -t * GateKeeper Authentication Failed
29 }
30 }
31 elseif ($3 == *) {
32 var %oid = $iif($5 != 0, $+($chr(40),OID: $5,$chr(41)))
33 echo $color(info) -t * Logged in as $4 %oid
34 .parseline -it
35 raw -q USER $username * * : $+ $iif($fullname, $ifmatch, ...)
36 raw -q NICK $me
37 }
38 else {
39 echo $color(info2) -t * GateKeeper Authentication Failed
40 }
41 }
42 else {
43 ; This is not GateKeeper.
44 echo $color(info2) -t * ERROR: Unknown Authentication Package $+($chr(40),$2,$chr(41))
45 }
46 }
47 elseif ($2 == JOIN) {
48 .parseline -it $1-2 $4-
49 if ($gettok($3, 4, 44) isin +@.) {
50 .parseline -itq $+($1 MODE $right($4, -1) +, $replace($gettok($3, 4, 44), +, v, @, o, ., q) $right($gettok($1, 1, 33), -1))
51 }
52 }
53 elseif ($2 == 004) {
54 .parseline -itq : $+ $server 005 $me PREFIX=(qov).@+ CHANTYPES=%#
55 }
56 elseif ($2 == 353) {
57 var %original = $right($6-, -1)
58 var %new
59 var %i = 1
60 while (%i <= $numtok(%original, 32)) {
61 var %user = $gettok(%original, %i, 32)
62 %new = %new $gettok(%user, $numtok(%user, 44), 44)
63 inc %i
64 }
65 .parseline -it $1-5 : $+ %new
66 }
67 elseif ($2 == 821) {
68 .parseline -it $1 AWAY
69 }
70 elseif ($2 == 822) {
71 .parseline -it $1 AWAY $3-
72 }
75; Usage: $gk.header(sequence) - Returns GateKeeper v3 header with specified sequence (1 or 3 for client)
76alias -l gk.header return $+(GKSSP\0JD,$chr(3),\0\0\0,$chr($$1),\0\0\0)
78; Usage: $gk.asc(char) - Returns $asc equivalent for a potentially escaped character (eg. \n)
79alias -l gk.asc {
80 ; Not escaped
81 if ($left($1, 1) != \) return $asc($1)
82 ; Invalid escape
83 elseif ($mid($1, 2, 1) !isincs 0tnrbc\) return $asc($mid($1, 2, 1))
84 ; Valid escape (\0 doesn't need replacement)
85 return $replacecs($mid($1, 2, 1), t, 9, n, 10, r, 13, b, 32, c, 44, \, 92)
88; Usage: $gk.hex2chr(hex) - Returns an escaped $chr equivalent from hex
89alias -l gk.hex2chr {
90 ; Normalise - Remove zero padding
91 var %h = $base($1, 16, 16)
93 ; Chars need escapinh
94 if (%h == 0) return \0
95 elseif (%h == 9) return \t
96 elseif (%h == A) return \n
97 elseif (%h == D) return \r
98 elseif (%h == 20) return \b
99 elseif (%h == 2C) return \c
100 elseif (%h == 5C) return \\
101 ; Chars don't need escaping
102 else return $chr($base($1, 16, 10))
105alias -l gk.guid {
106 if ($1 == GateKeeperPassport) return $str(00,16)
107 if (!$var(%GK.GUID)) set %GK.GUID $md5($time $date $gmt $ctime $ticks)
108 return %GK.GUID
111; Adds $username for mIRC (Built-in for AdiIRC)
112alias -l username {
113 if (@ isin $emailaddr) return $gettok($emailaddr, 1, 46)
114 else return $me
115} Raw

MSN (IRC8) compatible connection script


  • Works with both mIRC and AdiIRC
  • Native GateKeeper & GateKeeperPassport Authentication
  • Supports IRC8 JOIN messages
  • Supports MODE on JOIN via IRCX access entries
  • Supports IRC8 names reply (353)
  • Supports IRC8 away/unaway notifications (821/822)

Nice to haves (might be implemented)

  • IRC8 Profiles (818)
  • Support away information from 353/JOIN
  • Support WHISPER (and convert PRIVMSG to & from WHISPER)
  • Convert styled PRIVMSG to normal PRIVMSG (convert colors, etc)
  • Don't default to IRC8

Known Issues

  • Auth doesn't always work with AdiIRC (probably due to UTF8 quirks)