; The last ever MSN Chat passport updater - 16/05/2017 ; - Based on my previous work (sslupdatefix.mrc) - 10/04/2006 ; - Update $sockerr check for AdiIRC compatibility - 14/01/2025 ; - Why doesn't it get my PassportProfile? It's no longer sent by MSN. ;Just type /ppu.update to update passport ;You may need to change the %variables to suit your connection alias PPU.Update { if (!$sslready) { PPU.Result NeedSSL | halt } if ($2) getinfo $1 $2 else { if (!%Email) set %Email $$?"Please enter your email address" if (!%Passwd) set %Passwd $$?"Please enter your password" PPU.Getinfo %Email %Passwd } set %PPU.time $ticks } alias PPU.Result { if ($1 == Fail) echo -at [Update Status] Passport Update Failed. Please check your username and password elseif ($1 == GotTP) { if ($right($gettok($2,1,38), -2) != $null) { set %Ticket $ifmatch } if ($right($gettok($2,2,38), -2) != $null) { set %Profile $ifmatch } echo -at [Update Status] Complete ( $+ $iif(%Email,%Email,unknown) - $calc(($ticks - %PPU.time) / 1000) $+ s) unset %PPU.time } elseif ($1 == NeedSSL) { echo -at [Update Status] Passport Update Failed. SSL not available. } else echo -at [Update Status] Unknown. (An Error Has Occurred) $1- } on 1:SOCKOPEN:PPU.Update.*:{ if (!$sockerr) { sockwrite -t $sockname GET /login2.srf HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf $+ $& Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=?,sign-in= $+ $PPU.URLEncode(%Email) $+ ,pwd= $+ $PPU.URLEncode(%Passwd) $+ ,id=507 $+ $crlf $+ $& Host: login.live.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf } } on 1:sockread:PPU.Update.*:{ var %x | sockread %x | tokenize 32 %x if ($1 isin authentication-info: www-authenticate:) { if ($gettok($3,1,44) == da-status=failed) PPU.Result Fail NoRetry elseif ($gettok($3,1,44) == da-status=success) PPU.Result GotTP $gettok($3,2,39) } elseif ($1 == Location:) { sockopen -e PPU.Update. $+ $r(1111,9999) $gettok($2-,2,47) 443 } } alias PPU.URLEncode { var %encode = $1- while ($regex($eval(%encode,1), /([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.])/)) { var %t = $regsub($eval(%encode,1), /([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.])/, $+(,$base($asc($regml(1)),10,16,2)), %encode) } return $replace(%encode, , %) } alias PPU.GetInfo { if ($2) { set %Email $1 | set %Passwd $2 } sockopen -e PPU.Update. $+ $r(1111,9999) login.live.com 443 }